Tabelo di kontenajo Table of Contents
Noto — ambe l'Idala e l'Angla tabeli di kontenajo duktas a la sama pagini. Singla pagino kontenas l'Idala texto di la libro e l'Angla tradukuro (o kontenos la du kande ca lasta esos facita). Note: Both the Ido and English tables of contents lead to the same pages, and each page contains the Ido text from the book and the English translation (or will when this is finished).
Intertempe ke ca libro pozesas enreto, on vidus kelka komenturi neordinara en la texto. Voluntez ignorar ici, nam li ne existos en la versiono finala. Anke, en la tabelo di kontenajo, vu vidus kelka simboli, qua ne existas kande la libro facesos. La simboli esas tale sequas: While this book is put online, you may see some strange comments in the text. Please ignore these as they won't be there in the final version. Also, in the table of contents you will see some symbols which will not be there when the book is finished. The symbols are as follows:
 = Precipua. Ico idikas ke la ideo precipua di singla paragrafo o seciono esas en la indexo, qua esas che la fino di ca libro. Ante de ca libro esas kompleta, se on serchas en la indexo, e ne trovas ito qua on bezonas, on dezirus serchar la pagini, qua ne indexizesas ya.
 = Finala. Omna di la punti importanta de la texto pozesis en la indexo (ma sugesturi esas bonvenanta per eposto od Idolisto pri artikleti, qua devas esar ibe, ma ne esas).
 = Principal. This indicates that the main point of each paragraph or section is in the index at the end of the book. Before the book is complete, if you search in the index and don't find what you need, you may want to look through the pages which are not yet indexed.
 = Final. All important points from the text have been put in the index (but suggestions are welcome by email or Idolisto concerning items which should be there but are not).
Se on ne povas vidar irga di ca simboli en la tabelo di kontenajo, lore la libro esas kompleta. Ma, ante ta tempo, ol probable movabos che olua finala hemo (ica nur esas la kopiuro laboranta). If you don't see any of these symbols in the Table of Contents, then the book is complete. But by that time, it will probably have moved to its final resting place (this is just the working copy).
Binduro e prefaci Covers and Introductions
Quo esas Ido?
Opinioni pri Ido
Difuzeso di Ido
What Is Ido?
Opinions About Ido
Dispersement of Ido
Unesma parto
Morfologio e sintaxo
First Part
Morphology and Syntax
Pronunco dil vokali
Pronunco dil konsonanti e digrami
Acento tonika
Propra nomi
Adjektivo qualifikanta
Gradi komparala
Personal pronomi
Posedal adjektivi e pronomi
Demonstrativ adjektivi-pronomi
Relativa e questionala adjektivi-pronomi
Pronomo  lo 
Adjektivi-pronomi nedefinita
Prepozicioni: ad-kun, lor-ye 
Tempi e modi
Pronunciation of the Vowels
Pronunciation of the Consonants and Digraphs
Tonic Accent
Proper Nouns
Qualifying Adjectives
Comparison Degrees
Personal Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Demonstrative Adjectives/Pronouns
Relative and Interrogative Adjectives/Pronouns
Pronoun "Lo"
Indefinite Adjectives/Pronouns
Prepositions: ad-kun, lor-ye
Tenses and Modes
Duesma parto
Second Part
Word Building
Elementi di vorto
Procedi di vortifado
Nemediata derivado
Mediata derivado
Prefixi teknikala
Remarko pri la afixi
Prepozicioni prefixa
Sufixi: ab-ebl, ed-ig, ik-yun
Regulo di analizo o deskompozo
Kompozado per prepozicioni
La kompozaji e la sufixi
Elements of a Word
Word Building Procedures
Direct Derivation
Indirect Derivation
Technical Prefixes
A Remark Concerning the Affixes
Prefix Prepositions
Suffixes: ab-ebl, ed-ig, ik-yun
Rule of Analysis or Decomposition
Composition for Prepositions
The Components and the Suffixes
Apendici Appendices
1. L'acentizo en Ido
2. La pluralo en Ido
3. Genro e maskulismo
4. Substantivigo dil adjektivo
5. Ca, ta e qua
6. Konjugo-sistemo di Ido
7. Vortordino
8. Puntizado
9. Nomi. Adresi
10. Formuli di politeso en letri
1. The accenting in Ido
2. The Plural in Ido
3. Gender and Masculinity
4. Conversion of the Adjective to a Substantive
5. Ca, Ta and Qua
6. Conjugation System of Ido
7. Word Order
8. Punctuation
9. Names, Addresses
10. Formulas of Politeness in Letters
Tabeli Tables
Ica pagino modifikesis laste ye 16-ma februaro 1999. This page was last modified on February 16, 1999.
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